🪂KFS Airdrop

KFS holders will receive GameHub NFT airdrops. The amount of airdrops varies by the rarity of the KFS utensil:

Wen airdrop: Trade secret.

However, we will be clear when the snapshot of KFS hodler's has PASSED. We will also have mechanics to incentivize further hodling of the KFS NFT to protect investors from a post snapshot dump while supporting our original collection, see Holder Benefits for more info.

KFS collection Item# of GameHub airdrops

Utensil (Rarity: Champion, two needed)*


Utensil (Rarity: Hero)


Utensil (Rarity: Legendary)


Utensil (Rarity: 1/1 Parody)




Please note that you will need 2 utensils of rarity "Champion" in order to qualify for 1 GameHub NFT airdrop. If you have 3 utensils of this rarity, you will receive only 1 GameHub NFT (as it is an uneven number).

Please also note that there will be no airdrops for baby Sporkalytes.

Last updated