Mint Information

Everything you need to know about being part of GameHub


The GameHub collection will have a total supply of 5,000.

Given the general market sentiment and the brevity the GameHub NFT team wants to operate with, raising initial capital will equip the project better to fulfill the market's underserved gaming needs in the long term.

Wave 1 (private sale) Completed

Price: 2 SOL for Retro Gamers / 2.5 SOL for anyone else.

Supply: 300 to select users.


Will GameHub NFTs of the first wave be listable on secondary marketplaces?


What can be expected to be completed by the second wave mint?

Prior to the second wave, we will have the Arcade portion built completed and we will begin to publicly onboard players. Our budget includes a product team (responsible for seamless UX design) and a budget to run marketing campaigns to acquire players.

How does this waved approach affect KFS holders and the airdrop for KFS holders?

All KFS holders as of 03/01/23 will receive the airdrop.

KFS Holders are required to fill out the form in discord to receive their GameHub Airdrop.

Wave 2


Price per GameHub NFT: TBA

Supply: 4700

Last updated