💸Ways to Earn

There are three main ways you will be able to earn with your GameHub Controller.

Play To Earn

Players will be able to earn $LUV tokens by playing games on the GameHub platform.

Although the platform will be publicly available for free, players can only earn by using their $LUV tokens to wager.

Rent To Earn

Another way to generate passive $HUB income with your GameHub NFT controller is provided with the renting feature. This feature can enabled by leveling a player's controller and reaching level 20. When a controller is max level it will be able to play a limited amount of games daily without having to wager $HUB to earn.

Renting will allow players to rent their controllers to other players who can use the controller to play games on the GameHub platform. With the help of a smart contract, the earnings will then be split between the player and the renter.

In short, renting a controller will allow both parties, the renter and the player, to earn $HUB tokens simultaneously.

This feature generates a huge potential for investors that will see an upside for outsourcing gameplay.

Last updated