
GameHub controllers can be leveled in order to maximize earnings from playing games on the GameHub platform.

Controller Attributes

Each GameHub controller comes with four attributes:

  1. EN3RGY - The amount of EN3RGY a controller has. This attribute determines the number of games a player can play each day in order to earn $HUB tokens. Leveling this attribute will increase your overall EN3RGY.

  2. Durability - Durability goes down when a controller is used to play games without staking $HUB . All controllers start with a durability value of 100/100.

Repairing (Durability)

Only Available for Max-level controllers.

Players will have to repair their GameHub controller in order to keep its durability high. The lower your durability gets, the less efficient your controller will be at earning $HUB tokens.

Players have to burn $HUB tokens in order to repair their controllers and regain 100/100 durability. The amount of $HUB burned depends on the level and rarity of controller as well as how much durability has to be restored. Durability acts as a controllers' lifeline. As players play games on the GameHub platform, tje durability of a controller will decrease. If the durability of a controller gets too low it will lose its efficiency in earning $HUB tokens.

There are certain key thresholds at which a player's controller will lose efficiency at earning.

  1. At 75/100 durability, the controller gameplay efficiency will drop to 90%

  2. At 50/100 durability, the controller staking and gameplay efficiency will drop to 50%

  3. at 20/100 Durability, the controller staking and gameplay efficiency will drop to 10%

Controller Level

Players can level their GameHub controllers by burning $HUB tokens. In return, the controllers can be upgraded with additional attribute points and unlock new features (such as renting and EN3RGY).

Initiating a level-up will time out (disable) the controller for a set amount of time, depending on the level of the controller. The time-out will increase as your controller's level increases (e.g. level-up from level 3 to 4 will result in a shorter time-out than leveling-up from level 18 to 19).

From on level 10, $GHT and $HUB tokens are required to further level a controller.

At select level milestones, the controller will unlock new features.

Level Milestone

Level 5

Unlocks Staking

Level 10

Unlocks PFP Mecha

Level 20

Unlocks access to earn $GHT & Assembling (Breeding) Unlocks Rental, Wraps, etc.

Controller Custom Wraps

At Level 20, players will have the option of burning $HUB, $GHT, and controllers to customize the wrap of their controller.

Controller Wraps are scarce and will be released at set times and in limited amounts.

The wrap will be applicable to any controller of a player's choosing and will have special powers that apply to that controller. More information on this will be coming soon.

Last updated